Meet Dan Wolf, he is my own stab at creating a comic book/sci-fi character.
He’s been with me since about 1984, he was part of a whole fantastic futuristic universe based on Future PA ( PA as in Pennsylvania)
The story here is he’s stuck in the front of a truck. How he got there or how he’ll get out is the story that has to be made. I used to come up with all this middle of the action scenes and my “partner in crime” Angel Casillas would come up with the story based on the scene. this pretty much is how We build lots of stories from action scenes to pin-ups.

Well right there on the left is the original pin-up ( done waaaaay back in 88 – 94? ) Below is the new and improved update to this image, which is it not only an art update but also in the size of the image, the original was done in a 11X17 paper the new one in a 18X24 paper. ( the new paper size gave me more room to add more details ).
This is one of my favorite drawings were every time I looked at it I thought, “Man I need to re-do this one with more details” I know the original one looks like it has enough details, but what the coloring is hiding is that it was just a draft sketch, something to show an idea.
So making another one has always left me with “I need to Re-Do Drawing Bug”, well i finally got down and done it. Hope you all like it, as much as I did re-making it.

2015 Update:
Now keep in mind I did based my new truck design on an Universal Truck Lonestar model for my evil looking truck, but I added, expanded and changed a few extra things to make it look more menacing, but this truck just looks so much more menacing and evil. I am actually thinking of changing my colors to match this real truck.
What are the odds?