X3D Technologies was my first Graphic Design Consultant work. My first part of the job was to update their current website by designing and building a new more complete site and easy to navigate website while learning all the different X3D Worlds that they produce. My second part was to also update the look and designs of their X3D worlds. Here’s the final version of their site.

This is the main Index page to the X3D Technologies’ website which main purpose was to show all the X3D Worlds | virtual reality worlds you could walk-thru online using your web browser.

This is the main Index page under the “Advertainment” Section of the site, including a small description of the X3D Worlds | VRML you would find here.
This is the main page to a X3D World | VRML, in this case being the Christina Aguilera’s Genie in a Bottle X3D World. Description and thumbnails of the world. This page was to give you a sample view of the world before you entered the X3D world.
This is the Large image view page, and also the X3D World | VRML page. Both pages look the same the only difference is that on the X3D World, you can actually go in and walk-thru the Genie in a Bottle world.

I will soon, upload before and after samples of the X3D worlds that I got to work on!